Blogger, like the language confusions have one more confusion with respect to Blog description. We have two descriptions setup in Blogger.
- Blog display description.
- Blog search description.
Display Description is the description that appears when you visit your blog in the header under your blog title. For example, you could see the description of my blog,
This blog helps with Blogger tips, tricks and troubleshooting.
(Highlighted in red box) |
This description is available in the following location of Blogger,
When I share my blog URL on a social networking site, this is the description I see.
Settings > Basic > Description
Search description is the description that is made available on code. The open graph meta tag. This one appears only on the code and in turn in search and sharing descriptions. My blog search description is
Blogger tips, tricks & issues
When I share my blog URL on a social networking site, this is the description I see.
(Highlighted in yellow box) |
Settings > Scroll down to Meta tags > Search Description