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Showing posts from September, 2020

Blogger Tweak - Open external links in new tab automatically

So, once upon a time, a really long while ago, I tried to customise and recreate a Blogger template which is not available anymore, but there's one thing I remember about it. I had a jQuery code written to make all the external links open in new tab. I also thought, it's about time I revive that idea and write a more intact code and here we go.  So, there are two things to do.  Add Javascript code that detects external links and opens them in new tab. Add a CSS code to let users know that a particular link is going to be opened in new tab. Adding a javascript code Please follow the instructions below, Go to  dashboard Navigate to Themes > click the down arrow near "Customize" and then click on Edit HTML. Now scroll to the very end and paste the following code just before </body> tag. <script type='text/javascript'> document.body.addEventListener(&quot;mousedown&quot;,function(event){       if(